Young Biomedical Engineering Conference Paper & Poster Prizes

Award for the Biomedical College

About this Award

These prizes are given to young biomedical engineers based upon their paper or poster presentation at the Australian Biomedical Engineering Conference (ABEC). Students are required to submit an extract through the ABEC Conference ‘Call for Abstracts’ site. During this process the nominee is to specify which prize they are submitting the abstract for.

The abstract applicants will be judged by a set of referees nominated by the College. Selected applicants will be included in a specific session in the conference specifically for presentations by the short-listed young biomedical engineers. Abstracts that are not selected to be part of the special session will be considered for the general papers.

The presentation will be judged by scores in a number of areas. These may include content, presentation, contribution to knowledge, the ability to field questions and demonstration of an in-depth appreciation of the area being presented.

Presentation of the Award

The prize consists of a certificate and $750. The funds are to be used to assist with travelling to an overseas conference to present their paper.

Past award recipients